Fighting FOR US 

Nebraska For Us is committed to advocating for policies that help Nebraskans earn more and pay less. Our elected officials have cast votes that favor big corporations over working class and middle income Nebraskans. It's time to demand Congressman Don Bacon stand with his constituents instead of those at the top.

Some Nebraska elected officials are hurting our job growth, choosing to help corporations profit rather than help hard-working Nebraskans cut costs. Every day we are paying the price for their votes in DC.

This is NOT Nebraska Nice. Don Bacon says that he is with us, BUT this is how he has voted.

  • Our elected officials must be held accountable for turning their back on Nebraskans while giving tax breaks to big corporations. Don Bacon has:

    • Voted for the Trump tax cuts which disproportionately benefited the uber-wealthy and large corporations

    • Voted against the Inflation Reduction Act and the Build Back Better Act, which cut taxes for working families and raised taxes on corporations and billionaires

    • Voted for $6 BILLION in tax breaks for corporations to protect wealthy and corporate tax cheats

    • Joined a group pushing for more huge tax breaks for the rich

  • Instead of working to create more jobs and opportunities for Nebraskans, Rep. Don Bacon has:

    • Voted against the COMPETES Act, which increased domestic manufacturing, bolstered the U.S. supply chain, and made the U.S. more economically competitive with China

    • Voted against raising the minimum wage at least three times

  • Seniors and families in Nebraska need their leaders to fight for programs that help us put food on the table and give us access to health care. Rather than protecting Social Security and Medicare, Rep. Don Bacon has:

    • Voted to cut Medicare funding

    • Frequently discussed the need to raise the retirement age, claiming as recently as 2022 that “We are going to have to be willing to revise that retirement age”

    • Voted for legislation that would lead to massive cuts to Social Security and Medicare and co-sponsored this legislation at least three times

    • Voted to make it harder for seniors to access the Social Security and Medicare benefits they earned

    • Said he opposed adding dental, vision, and hearing services for Medicare without recipients paying a premium for those services