We are concerned Nebraskans who are fighting for an economy that works for us. We are tired of our representatives in Congress who are focused on helping the wealthy and well-connected rather than their constituents back home.
Instead of working to lower costs for everyday Nebraskans and protecting our hard-earned benefits, Congressman Don Bacon continues to prioritize big corporations and the ultra-wealthy.
Nebraska For Us is raising awareness on key votes in hopes of achieving improved policy outcomes through grassroots support.
Nebraskans deserve representatives who don't turn their back on them by voting in favor of corporations and the ultra-wealthy.
We deserve a fair tax system that does not overburden our middle and working-class families and friends. And we expect those with means to pay their fair share – just like hard-working Nebraskans do every day.
As Nebraskans, we work, AND we work hard. No family deserves to worry about being able to put food on the table or a roof over their loved ones’ heads. Nebraskans need more opportunities to earn good-paying jobs, not less.
We want to be able to afford a brighter future for our families, and we deserve a representative in Congress who helps us keep mhore of our hard-earned money and keep prices low.
Read more here.
As of 2020, 345,725 Nebraskans receive Social Security benefits. Of that number, more than 250,000 are retirees. Nearly 55% of Nebraska beneficiaries rely on Social Security for half or more of their income, and about 28% rely on Social Security for at least 90% of their income. - AARP
Thousands of Nebraskans rely on Social Security and Medicare to keep their families healthy and make ends meet. But our representatives want to take these hard-earned benefits away – and it’s time to make our voices heard.
Read more here.
Meet the Team
Angie Lauritsen, State Director
Angie Lauritsen is the State Director at Nebraska For Us. She is a community leader and former elected official who has also worked on various local and statewide issue-focused campaigns. She continues to serve on numerous boards and committees with a focus on policy and removing barriers for constituents when advocating with elected officials. She also continues her 8+ years of being a survivor policy advocate for survivors of domestic and sexual violence, human trafficking, and stalking.
Angie was born at Offutt Air Force Base and has lived in the Omaha area for over 30 years. Most recently her husband and 3 children have been residents of Gretna for the last 12+ years.
Collin Adler Ruane, Communications Director
Collin Adler Ruane is the Communications Director at Nebraska For Us. He has more than a decade of experience working with the media, initially as a local news reporter before transitioning to communications and public relations in 2019. He has provided public relations support to brands across a variety of industries, along with in-house work for a national nonprofit.
Collin was born in Omaha and later raised in Idaho. He returned to the area in 2016 after graduating from the University of Missouri.
Anna Hernandez, Regional Organizing Director
Anna Hernandez, Regional Organizing Director, is a passionate Nebraskan dedicated to building a stronger, more inclusive future for our state. She was born and raised in South Omaha and was inspired by her family’s involvement with her church and community. Her family's deep South Omaha roots of working in the packing houses instilled in her an appreciation for our state's values of hard work, community, and resilience.
Driven by service, Anna began her community involvement at the age of sixteen as a bible school teacher at Our Lady of Guadalupe Church and as an American GI Forum Youth Leader. She graduated with her degree in Political Science and worked in Washington, DC on the Hill.
Anna believes in the power of collaboration and inclusivity and is committed to working with all Nebraskans to create a state where everyone thrives.
In her free time Anna likes to give historical tours of South Omaha, art design and bike.