Coalition raises awareness on health care costs and protecting Social Security during State of the Union address

OMAHA, Nebraska (March 7, 2024)—Last night, Nebraska For Us welcomed partners and allies for a virtual watch party during President Biden’s State of the Union address. The speech focused heavily on matters of economic importance, including the cost of living, junk fees, health care costs, Social Security, and Medicare.

“Nebraska For Us is committed to informing working class and middle income Nebraskans about federal economic policies that affect their everyday lives,” Nebraska For Us State Director Angie Lauritsen said. “It provides another opportunity for our coalition to examine the records of our representatives, including Congressman Don Bacon, to ensure they’re supporting legislation that helps our neighbors and friends rather than hurts them.”

“Health care affordability is one of the most important issues my family and I face, and I know we’re not alone.” District 2 resident Gloria Vallecillo said. “The Inflation Reduction Act has made a significant difference in the lives of Americans nationwide, and I believe Congress should do everything in its power to expand these policies and better assist those on fixed incomes.”

In the address, President Biden called on Congress to expand several provisions of his signature law—the Inflation Reduction Act—that lower health care costs. He called on representatives to expand the $35 insulin cap to everyone (not just seniors), increase the number of prescription drugs that Medicare can negotiate lower prices for to 500 in the next ten years, and stop giving tax breaks to Big Pharma.

Biden pledged to stop any attempts to repeal the Affordable Care Act ahead of the law’s 14th anniversary and instead asked Congress to expand the ACA by making tax credits that help hardworking Nebraskans afford their health insurance plans permanent. 

When it comes to any attempts to cut Social Security—including stripping earned benefits and raising the retirement age, which Congressman Don Bacon continues to support—the president said plainly: “I will stop you.” Instead, Biden demanded increased taxes on the ultra-wealthy and corporations to fund Social Security now and for future generations.

In the months ahead, Nebraska For Us will continue to hold public events, advocate for beneficial policies, and elevate the voices of hardworking Nebraskans.

Follow Nebraska For Us on Facebook, Instagram, Threads, and X using #SOTUNE for a look at the posts tied to last evening’s “social media storm.” For more information and updates on our mission, work, and upcoming events, visit



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