Coalition expands its presence in Congressional District 2 with multi-faceted approach that amplifies experiences of constituents

OMAHA, Nebraska (January 24, 2024)—Today, Nebraska For Us officially launched its seven-figure paid media program designed to raise awareness about Congressman Don Bacon’s record on key economic issues, with the goal of affecting future legislative outcomes in a manner that directly benefits working class and middle income Nebraskans.

“Nebraska For Us is focused on people and policies rather than political parties, and having our representatives hear directly from the people can have a positive impact on policy decisions,” Nebraska For Us State Director Angie Lauritsen said. “With these spots, it is our hope that Congressman Bacon will heed our calls to support policies that benefit everyday Nebraskans rather than those at the top.”

Established in December 2023, Nebraska For Us is a coalition of concerned Nebraskans focused on economic issues, including taxes, jobs, Social Security, and Medicare at a time when discussions about the broader economy and the cost of living are front and center.

“I spent 40 years working as an electrician, paying my hard-earned wages into important programs like Social Security and Medicare,” Yutan retiree Michael Ostblom said. “Congressman Bacon should be doing everything in his power to protect Social Security rather than cut it or raise the retirement age.”

“It feels as if massive corporations have gotten handouts while the rest of us are left to fend for ourselves,” Sarpy County business owner Michelle Koester said. “The current tax structure does not help small businesses like mine.”

“I’m working a second job to help make ends meet for our family,” Omaha bus driver Gloria Vallecillo said. “One of the biggest challenges my family and many others face is tied to the high cost of health care and prescriptions. We need policies that help make health care more affordable, especially for those on fixed incomes.”

The spots feature real stories from real Nebraskans who live in urban and rural portions of Congressional District 2. The paid media program is just one component of a much larger mission from Nebraska For Us, which aims to support economic policies that work for everyday Nebraskans.

“With the fragmentation of audiences and media, it is crucial for us to meet District 2 residents where they are,” Nebraska For Us Communications Director Collin Adler Ruane said. “From in-person events to real-time legislative tracking and other activities, it is our sincere hope to help build an even better-informed and engaged community advocating for policies that benefit working class and middle income Nebraskans.”

The placements will begin airing this week in the Omaha media market. You can view the first ad of the series here. For more information and updates, visit



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