aBout US

Nebraska For Us is a coalition of concerned Nebraskans who are fighting for an economy that works for us. We are tired of our representatives in Congress prioritizing helping the wealthy and well-connected rather than their constituents back home.

Instead of working to lower costs for everyday Nebraskans and defending our hard-earned benefits, Congressman Don Bacon has prioritized big corporations and the ultra-wealthy.

Nebraska For Us is raising awareness on key votes in Congress in hopes of achieving improved policy outcomes through grassroots action calling on Congressman Bacon to protect our benefits.

Nebraskans Speak Up.

Many Nebraskans depend on insulin to stay alive, but Congressman Don Bacon voted against lowering the cost of insulin to $35 a month in the Inflation Reduction Act. Instead of making sure families like Gloria’s can afford life-saving medicines, he sided with Big Pharma. Nebraskans need Congressman Bacon to support lower drug prices for families and oppose H.R. 812, which would repeal policies from the Inflation Reduction Act that are lowering prescription drug costs like insulin.

Congressman Don Bacon voted for tax breaks for the uber-wealthy and against tax cuts for hardworking families. It’s time for him to make billionaire CEOs pay their fair share by opposing H.R. 812 – a bill that would repeal funding that allows the government to make sure corporations and the ultra-wealthy pay their fair share.

Congressman Don Bacon has supported cutting Social Security and voted to cut Medicare. Nebraskans want him to change his tune and vote to protect Social Security by supporting H.R. 4583. The bill would increase benefits, lower taxes for middle income recipients, and close loopholes that keep the wealthy from paying their fair share.