Coalition in Congressional District 2 emphasizes importance of lower insulin costs

OMAHA, Nebraska (March 20, 2024)—Today, Nebraska For Us is announcing a new spot as part of its seven-figure paid media program designed to raise awareness about Congressman Don Bacon’s record on key economic issues, with the goal of affecting future legislative outcomes in a manner that directly benefits working class and middle income Nebraskans. 

The latest placement will highlight Congressman Bacon’s vote against the Inflation Reduction Act, which lowered the cost of insulin to $35 a month for Medicare recipients. Nebraska For Us calls on Congressman Bacon to oppose H.R.812—which would increase drug prices by repealing the Inflation Reduction Act.

“The Inflation Reduction Act has begun providing some much-needed relief, specifically for Medicare recipients who are now paying less for vital medications,” Nebraska For Us State Director Angie Lauritsen said. “When it faced the best chance of passage, Congressman Don Bacon stood against lowering high insulin costs for our area’s seniors. Not only that, the bill he opposed included provisions that ensure the IRS can enforce the law against wealthy tax cheats who should be paying their fair share.”

“Having a family member who deals with diabetes, I especially understand the financial strain connected to insulin and other medications,” Omaha bus driver Gloria Vallecillo said. “One of the biggest challenges my family and many others face is the high cost of health care and prescriptions. We need policies that help make health care more affordable, especially for those on fixed incomes.”

Nebraska For Us is a coalition of concerned Nebraskans focused on economic issues, like taxes affecting small businesses, along with jobs, Social Security, Medicare, the cost of living, inflation, and many more.

The broadcast placements began airing in the Omaha media market in late January and will continue in the weeks ahead. You can view the latest ad that will run on TV, digital, and radio here. Additionally, you can view our past spots on protecting Social Security and Medicare, along with opposing tax cuts for the ultra wealthy at the provided links. For more information and updates, visit



Nebraska For Us statement on House vote to prevent partial government shutdown


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