Nebraska For Us urges Rep. Don bacon to stand against high credit card late fees

OMAHA, Nebraska (May 15, 2024)—Nebraska For Us is taking its latest message to one of the highest traffic areas in Omaha to call on Congressman Don Bacon to oppose H.J.Res.122—a resolution that would keep predatory credit card late fees high at a time when the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB) has moved to lower them to $8, cutting predatory fees and saving hardworking families money.

Last month, Republicans advanced the resolution out of the House Financial Services Committee on a party-line vote. Then on Friday, May 10, a federal judge in Texas granted a preliminary injunction on behalf of bank and credit card company lobbyists to prevent the CFPB’s policy from taking effect this week.

“Working class and middle income Nebraskans are dealing with the high costs of child care, housing, groceries, health care, and more,” Nebraska For Us State Director Angie Lauritsen said. “The last thing lawmakers like Congressman Bacon should be doing is voting for legislation that makes it even harder for us to pay for the things we need while credit card companies pocket more of our money. He should side with hardworking Nebraskans rather than large corporations.”

The billboard will remain in place near I-80 & 72nd Street through early June—not far from multiple banking institutions and ATMs.

Nebraska For Us is a coalition of concerned Nebraskans focused on economic issues, like taxes affecting small businesses, along with jobs, Social Security, Medicare, the cost of living, inflation, and many more.

Nebraska For Us has highlighted Congressman Bacon’s record on a variety of economic policies in broadcast placements and mail pieces. Subjects include the Inflation Reduction Act, Social Security and Medicare, and tax cuts for the ultra wealthy. For more information and updates, visit




NEBRASKA FOR US DISPLAYS MOBILE BILLBOARD TO HIGHLIGHT REP. don bacon’s record of supporting tax breaks for billionaires