Nebraska For Us statement on House vote to advance steep Medicaid, SNAP cuts

“With harmful funding cuts moving one step closer to the House floor, now is the time to reach out to our representatives and urge them to vote against a budget resolution that would hurt the most vulnerable Nebraskans. From Medicaid to SNAP, hundreds of thousands of our neighbors and friends would be put in a more difficult situation.

“As a member of the House Committee on Agriculture, Nebraska For Us urges Congressman Don Bacon to vote NO on this budget resolution, which would cut SNAP benefits for families experiencing food insecurity and make a drastic reduction in Medicaid funding. Congressman Bacon has expressed concerns about these cuts, so we hope he does the right thing by opposing these harmful cuts to working Nebraskans.

In recent weeks, Nebraska For Us has experienced a sharp increase in interest from members of our community who are outraged by the chaos in Washington, and proposed cuts in this budget resolution would only make that anger worse. It’s time for our federal delegation to stand up for working class and middle income Nebraskans who are making their voices heard.”

-State Director Angie Lauritsen


Nebraska For Us “Week of Action” welcomes hundreds across the metro